S&P Shariah Indices

  • Debt / Market Value of Equity (12-month average) <= 33%
  • Accounts receivables / Market value of equity (12-month average) <=49%
  • Cash + Interest bearing Securities / Market value of equity (12-month average) <=33.33%

Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices

  • Total debt / Trailing 12-month average market cap <=33%
  • Cash + Interest bearing securities / Trailing 12-month average market cap <= 33%
  • Accounts receivables / Trailing 12-month average Market cap <=33%

SEC, Malaysia

  • Income from prohibited activities such as Riba, gambling, liquor and pork <=5%
  • Mixed contributions from the activities that involve element of 'umum balwa' <=10%
  • Income from mixed contributions from activities which are permissible under Shariah and have element of public interest<=25%

Meezan Islamic fund criteria, Pakistan

  • Debt / total asset <=45%
  • Net illiquid asset / total asset <=10%
  • Total investment of the investee company in Shariah non-compliant business <=33%
  • Income from Shariah non-compliant investment <=5%


  • Debt / total asset <=33.33%
  • Cash + Interest bearing securities / Total Asset <=33.33%
  • Accounts Receivables / Total Asset <=70%


  • Debt / Total asset <=33%
  • Cash + Interest bearing securities / Total Asset <=33%
  • Accounts Receivables + Cash / Total Asset <=50%


  • Debt / Total Assets <=25%
  • (Interest Income + 8% of Interest-bearing Investments) / Total Income <=3%
  • (Cash + Receivables) / Total Assets <=50%